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I grew up in Orlando, Florida and went to Flagler College to earn my bachelor's degree in graphic design. I take a strong interest in photography, illustration, special fx makeup, and graphic design. In terms of aesthetics, I really appreciate retro / vintage art as well as minimal / hand-drawn illustrations. I create my pieces using a wide variety of design styles and am always open to exploring new ones!

Let's get a little more personal - I love horror movies; especially the unsettling, artistic films with deeper meaning than they show on the surface. The ones that make you google "what was the metaphor in this film?" 


Lastly, I'm a huge animal lover. Don't get me started on how often I brake for frogs or lizards while I'm driving...

People must think I'm crazy...


Which is exactly what you want in an artist, right?

Illustration Style - check all that apply

Thanks for submitting!

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